Monday, June 16, 2014


Hey all,

I am unsure if any of you read this blog anymore.  I thought I would put this out there in case you do.

My friend has a Staph infection that has persisted through 4 rounds of different antibiotics.  I have not yet asked her if she is interested in trying out other options (ie. herbs, diet, lifestyle).  I was wondering if any of you have had experience with successful Staph treatments or have any ideas.

My thoughts so far are:

-liver supporting tea
-immune supporting tea
-sweet fern (or other astringent) tea as a wash for affected areas

Any other thoughts?  I am still doing research.  I have heard about berberines used in tincture form.  Please post any suggestions.  Or give a call!  I miss you guys!


Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Incredible People

Incredible People,

I miss you more than my lack of posts indicates and think of you often.  The dreams of herbalism and an alternative way of healthcare are always fluttering through my mind like butterflies, not yet landing, but catchin' the breeze...especially today as I left a very much unanticipated doctor's appointment during which I felt backed into a corner.

"these are the steps for your treatment...there is only one way...i don't want to see you go down the wrong path...i don't want you to get sick because of your beliefs..."

There are more butterflies now and moths and birds and I am looking for a place for them to land...

On a lighter note, after months of suffering from relatively consistent migraines, my love stopped in at what I refer to as "the witch's shop" (for though yes, she is an herbalist, I am convinced she is a true witch), and bought a tincture that has been my savior.  I will add this tid bit that I have learned about migraines if any of you should be subject to them:

* I have learned that migraines are different for everyone.  The treatment, like most things, should be associated with the true cause and not a standard that tries to cover everyone.
* It is important to pay attention to triggers and keep a journal, to discover what is causing them, thought it may take some time.
* I believe mine are associated with anxiety, and so I have been trying to do things that lower anxiety like yoga, adaptogenic and nervine teas, breathing and checking in.
* An herb that has helped as a preventative is Feverfew, almost everyday, and especially around menstruation.  On that subject, it seems to thin the blood and my menstruation is bright red!  And supposedly it is also addictive and can cause rebound headaches...I will hopefully ween myself off of everyday soon, but for now, it seems to be helping.
* And when a migraine is imminent, I take the magic witch tincture, which is a compound tincture consisting of:
        -Feverfew flower and leaf
        -Jamaican Dogwood bark
        -Black Haw bark
        -St. John's Wort herb and flower buds
        -Cramp Bark
        -White Willow bark
        -Valerian root
        -Ginger root
* It's a hell of a lot of herbs, but it really allows me to make it through the day without hiding in my room, under the sheets, blinds closed, no lights, no sound and no people...not even a lover.  It does make me feel a little cooky and my head feels numb and as though it is floating...but, I can still function.  I just have to take it easy.

Winter is slowly overtaking Fall here.  At least nose is often stinging and the ground under my feet is slick.

Love.  Still from the mountains.


Saturday, September 29, 2012

Dear incredible herb women,

I am so happy to see that this blog still exists!  How are all of you???!

I'm still living about 5 minutes from Herb Pharm, as the crow flies, at Seven Seeds Farm <3  The year has been an epic journey of love and loss, of growth and of push and pull and stretch and cry and laugh and play and jump in pond over and over and over again : )

Last weekend we held a permaculture gathering on the property and it was a great success!  Nourishing music, company and incredible food.  I even attempted to host an herb workshop on tincture making--quite rusty I might add!  We harvested Aronia berries and False Solomons Seal berries and they are now resting quietly in a dark cabinet swimming in vodka.  I am on another mission to harvest FSS root for cough syrup, but am still in question of whether or not FSS berries only serve as a laxative?  Does anyone happen to have any knowledge of this?

This weekend, I am strapping down and preparing for a Vision Quest in the upcoming week--4 days and nights without food/water connecting with the Great Spirits.  Send a prayer my way if I happen to cross your mind <3

I am post-poning any spring-time plans until post-journey but Blue Otter School of Herbal Medicine is glinting on my horizon...I'm stretching in that direction as so many other things let go and un-wind.

I love you all deeply and send you love and light and blessings from our herb home,

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

the kitchen sink

the end of summer is drying in the window.

this weekend i tinctured lemon balm and peppermint from the garden, and washed the floors with lemongrass oil.  we sleep with the windows open now, and wear jackets in the cool night.

change: my favorite season.

i've bundled and hung some herbs from the garden before they bolt; they sense the cold and turn to seed.  that dried lemon balm will be crucial to surviving the damp of winter.  also put up twenty-five pounds of tomatoes, a couple pounds of kale, and, of course, bourbon peach jam...

i've neglected to post about some important herbal activities of the summer, including befriending some ferns in the mountains, sewing my heavy nettle patch onto a cardigan with gold thread, and a visit from LIGHTNING PAW herself.  !!

fresh air all around now.  i'm here, writing love poems about herbs ("i want you to make me goldenrod tea/ and hang bundles above my bed"), listening to cat power, and watching cat gifs.  come visit; we've got a walnut tree in the back and sunflowers in the front and plenty of space for sound sleeping.


Monday, April 9, 2012

jichaela and jarrie jann in jan francisco

nettles and geraniums growing in urban harmony!

dear Everybody,

last week Aralia Allheart and I went to California to visit our dear beautiful friend and herbal tattoo designer Sarah in San Francisco, land of handsome hippies and magical plants...

a jade island!

slide ranch garden!

wildcrafting featured in the in-flight magazine!
ferns, nettles, dandelions!

garlic mustard and morels!

chamomile in sidewalk cracks!

redwood grove!



Hey Sisters & Brother!

I'm wondering if any of you have heard anything about The California School of Herbal Studies, or Columbine's School of Botanical Studies as far as Herbal Education. I am seriously considering applying to go back to school for herbs come spring and am curious as to if you have heard anything good or bad about either program...or if you have any better suggestions!

Love to you all. I miss you all so much and think of you often (near daily).


Saturday, February 11, 2012

Cranky Canker

So I got a canker sore. First time.
They're so terribly painful! And can last up to a month.
It just kept getting worse and worse, bigger and bigger. I brushed, used listerine multiple times a day (it helped dull the pain), and tried not to eat anything that would aggravate it.
And it just kept getting worse and worse.

Then, I thought I had pin worms. Eww. My anus was itching a little and it freaked me out. I started taking Yarrow for the pin worms because it spoke to me, and I read that Oregon Grape might help with the canker sore.

Turns out putting the Yarrow directly on the canker sore after brushing twice daily cleared it up in about 4 days. And it didn't hurt. I'm in love with Yarrow for so many reasons. Plus, I had my gentleman friend analyze a strip of scotch tape from my bum, I don't have pin worms!

Love and Miss You All. Anyone looking for a roomie?